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Oelde, Germany | Loc: JO41bt, ASL: 100 m








Albrecht Discone 24-1200 - RTL-SDR Blog V3 - Raspberry Pi 4 - Core i5

JUST MOVED FROM RASPI TO CORE i5. Might not fully work, needs time to test. Also added experimental NOAA and METEOR image reception.
Profiles are roughly sorted: General, Radiosonde (no internal decoding yet), Shortwave, FM, DAB. When nobody uses the device, it will cycle through 

160m-2m profiles and auto-scan for things like FT8/4, WSPR, SSTV, APRS etc. Check the Map/Files sections for the results. 
Also auto-reporting to Map markers stay for 6 hours, SSTV and other files until the next reboot.
Signal fowarding from RasPi to the i5 travels via rtl_tcp, unfortunalety over WiFi (Can't solve it better right now).
Sometimes (rarely) this creates small dropouts. I will either improve the WiFi soon or see if I can hook it up wired.
Received files associated with NOAA/METEOR are being stored in a place not accessible by the public right now.
Some weak FM stations only appear sometimes. Please turn off noise reduction for strong stations and DAB as it makes it sound worse.
During daytime the SDR, Raspi and Router run on solar power. Grid fallback at night. I used to run a Spyserver here, 

currently testing with OpenWebRX. Please don't occupy for hours and let others also tune in.

Contact for suggestions, magic key:
Sierra Delta Romeo @ Romeo Alfa Victor Echo Hotel Echo Alfa Romeo Tango . Oscar Romeo Golf
Tango Echo Lima Echo Golf Romeo Alfa Mike: @Romeo Alfa Victor Echo Hotel Echo Alfa Romeo Tango




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